On Watching My Daughter Trying To Walk


It’s something else to watch my kiddo trying to walk.

To see the progression from wiggled arms,

to an epic, slow-motion, rotisserie roll over,

to crawling,

to galloping,

to standing.

Now wobbly- hipped like an amateur ice skater.

Now bold, confident, and defiant.

The way she stretches her flailing arms around her,

with each tentative step,

like the whole world is a tightrope.

She fumbles frankenstyle all over the living room.

And I remember why life is so much fun.

This is how it begins.


Walking 1.0

Walking 2.0

Walking 3.0



Joshua Rigsby runs an independent bookstore in a small southern town. His writing has been featured on Thrillist, Atlas Obscura, Southern California Public Radio, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Atlantic.


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