(The Lack of) Sleep & Parenting
My wife and I were happy to welcome our second child into the world last week (*applause*). This has, of course, given me reason to pause and reflect on life, […]
Why I’m Running the LA Marathon (Again)
This will be my fourth time to run a half or full marathon to raise money for clean water projects in Africa. The distance doesn’t intimidate me as much as […]
Thoughts On Serial Season 1: A Podcast Post Mortem
The first season of Serial is the most popular podcast of all time. With over five million downloads, it far outpaces anything that’s come before it. People attribute the show’s […]
Some Final Thoughts on 2014
This year is about to come to an end. Just a few hours left and it will gasp its final breath. We will count down the seconds, watch a glowing ball […]
How Raising a Toddler is Not Unlike Living in Jurassic Park
There are so many things that I love about being the father of a toddler. Toddlers are wonderful. They are also scary. The “terrible twos” is not just the period […]
A Dispatch to the Future: Horses, Robots, & The End of the World
What I am writing in this post has already become irrelevant. Writers have an uneasy relationship with time. They often aren’t appreciated until they cross their arms and lay down in […]
Then, Who Won the Space Race?
My last post on why “America Did Not Win The Space Race” ruffled some feathers on Reddit and Twitter. So before I go further let me put a few things […]
America Did Not Win The Space Race
I love space. The untamedness of it. The danger. It is the definition of bigness. It lends us perspective and can make us afraid. It is the final frontier. Actually… […]
Happiness is Bunk
Sometimes while sipping a tonic of cynicism I wonder if our notion of happiness is just a marketing campaign dreamt up to sell laundry detergent and tickets to a certain […]
Obligatory New Year’s Post: 2015 Edition
At the beginning of last year I wrote a post about how it seems like everyone has an inexplicably strong set of feelings about New Year’s Resolutions. Not much has […]